President Obama,
We are facing an emergency like no other that has faced this country.  This "Oil Spill" ("Accident", "Nobodies Fault") will make 9/11 look like a small skirmish with squirt guns.

I've been talking to some really bright people that work in this industry and they feel it is already to late.

I wrote this to the Alaskan Senator:
Ya know Lisa,
The only way to interpret your behavior is to take it a face value.
This thing is currently spewing about 1 Valdez every 4 days.  The Gulf of Mexico and all of its beaches are probably already history.  If this "spill" rounds the Florida Keys it will get in the Gulf Stream.  If that were to occur life could rapidly become unsustainable.
Try Country First.
No, on second thought, try World First

Taxes are as low as they have been since 1951.  GOT IT REPUBS, 1951.  If you don't like roads then drive on the private ones.  Sick of your GD tax whining.  Repeat after me: 1951.  And by the way, the JackA()ses that ran up the debt to unprecedented levels were Reagan and both Bushes.  These guys call themselves Conservatives, but they spend money like drunken sailors.  Well, sorry, that is actually an insult to drunken sailors.  If you want a true Republican/Conservative Hero, look to Dwight Eisenhower & Bary Goldwater.  They were truly Conservative and they were heroes.

You sent the "ELENA" email.  This is my response:

We don't really care about that.  Here's what we do care about:

Number 1We care about the oil spill.
Number 2 We want Wall Street jerk offs in CHAINS.
Number 3 We want BP Halliburton and Transocean executives in CHAINS.
Number 4 Kind of interested in the Constitution not becoming toilet paper
Number 5 We want these useless dumb ass wars to STOP NOW.

Now you can send Elena up to the hill for the senseless butchering that the RETHUGLICANS will apply.

"Do Nothing
THE best thing to do in response to the Gulf spill’s landfall is ... nothing. Sure, larger oil concentrations can be sopped up, and large animals can be cleaned. But cleanup efforts can do only so much: evidence suggests that they reduce hydrocarbon concentrations only over the short term. And many responses have harmful side effects. Controlled burning spreads toxic materials and kills plants that retard erosion, thus hurting the very lands we’re trying to protect. Nutrient-rich detergents or active bioremediation — which encourages the growth of bacteria that can break down oil — can fundamentally disturb the ecological balance for decades.

Instead, we should recognize that nature can do many things far better than we can, and with less collateral damage. Oil is a natural byproduct of biological and geological processes; if left alone in coastal environments, wave action, the sun and microbes in the sediment will naturally break down hydrocarbons. Meanwhile, money saved can go to helping local economies deal with the loss of income, improving safety regulations and enforcement and developing a clean energy policy. -- KEVIN M. YEAGER, assistant professor of marine sciences at the University of Southern Mississippi."

You are an idiot.  Here is the quote that is most full of shit: "Oil is a natural byproduct of biological and geological processes".  Who are you, fkn Haley Barbour.  Gosh, I wonder who you voted for.  Piss is NATURAL too.  Would you like me to piss in your eye?  That's how much sense the "natural byproduct" BS makes.

So you teach .  Heaven help us.


This is just an idea:
So, I had this idea. Maneuver that giant tower that BP has back over the OIL GUSHING site. Then pump (at really high pressure) that S.O.B. with untold quantities of cement, and any other sealant you can think of. ... Maybe that would provide enough of window that would allow them to get down there and "sufficiently" seal this mother up. That might let your "robots" carry on with additional sealing.  Then that might buy you time to plan and carry out a more permanent solution. What do you think?  Just wondering.
(I sent this directly to BP's Oil Spill site)
Conservatives should try being conservative now and again. You know, not constantly doubling & tripling the debt (see Reagan, Bush, Bush). Eisenhower warned us about these fake Conservatives, as did Barry Goldwater. Stop calling yourselves "Conservatives" until you are one.
This War on Terror Bee Ess is a Republican's wet dream.  We used to have the Cold War to keep us sufficiently in line.  That went away and the Repuglican()s started to panic.  As Barbara Bush might say "those people" might begin too be a problem.  
So Bush the Dumber comes into office, ignores written, black & white intelligence about 9/11, and guess what, it happens.  Now talk about two guys I don't want to Mirandize it would be Bush the Dumber & his good pal Darth the Di()c()k.
In any event, we're golden.  We have a new Cold War that we call the "War on Ter()ror".  It goes on forever and the rabble are kept in place.
BFuck you bastards.  You act like the oil in the ground is yous, but when you fuck up and spill it it is ours.  You're going to clean this shit up and you are not going to shirk your externality costs off on the public.  Take those $5,000 PAYOFFS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS.  Take those fake fucking kumbaya television commercials that you ran over the past year and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS.  You are god damn world criminals.  Your back up plan for this type of disaster was "IT WON'T HAPPEN".  That's it "IT WON'T HAPPEN".  And when you have Dick Fking Cheney design an "energy policy" that leaves you totally off the hook then you can go "IT WON'T HAPPEN" route.  Fuck You.  Not this time Fuck Wads.