You get a "win" with HC.  There is a momentary sigh of relief from those who voted for you and you immediately squander it with this bullshit drilling decision.

I guess Hemp was not an alternative fuel choice.  What a silly idea huh?  That would be like supporting drug use.

We voted for an end to 30 years of Repuglican Bullshit. (Clinton was Repug lite.  He gave us NAFTA and he deregulated the finance "industry" with the help of his corporate dick Rubin)
Do we get an end to 30 years of bullshit?  No, we get DRILL BABY DRILL.  I could have voted for Sarah and got this shit.
You don't have a GD clue how to interact with Repuglicans.  You take "Single Payer" & "Public Option" off the table before HC even begins.  Insane.  HC as passed is a gigantic piece of crap.  What we needed was "Medicare For All".  Explain it to the public and dare the Repuglicans to fight it.  But no, we give the bullies everything they want and then we are surprised when they are still jerks. "Medicare For All" could have been a 1 page bill signed into law a year ago.  BUT NO!

You promise $10,000 tax credits in your SOTU speech to help parents send their kids to college.  Do you include that promise in the HC Education addendum?  No.  What if my kid wants to be a teacher.  Their forced to run up $100,000 in debt.  How can you ever pay that off on a teacher's salary?  You could have done something meaningful with a tuition tax credit, but you ignored your promise.  Don't tout the genius of your Education Bill when it leaves out the one thing you promised.
You said something to the effect that you don't care if you are a 1 term President if you advance a progressive agenda.  Well good luck with that.  Your crap behavior is setting you up to be a 1 termer because you have screwed your base.
You people relentlessly make one bad decision after another.  Your first term will end and we will be let down.  You are behaving in a way that may crush the Democratic Party for at least another generation.  The right HATES YOU.  We supported you and who are you trying to placate?

Obama To Reverse Moratorium, Allow Oil Drilling Along Vast Stretches Of American Coastline "

What a bunch of SH@T.  WTF.
This is a policy designed to please whom?  Not the God Damn people that voted for you that's for sure.  Green Jobs my Ass.

What did we vote for?  Pointless.  Constant, never-ending moves to "APPEAL TO THE RIGHT".  What do you think this will do?  Good luck trying to court and harness that Tea Bagger vote.

Honestly, You people are so completely inept it is hard to stomach.  Are you totally incapable of governing in such a manner that it makes the people who VOTED for you proud?

Health Care Bill is so convoluted it practically encourages people to be against it.

IRAQ is an ongoing Folly.  A trillion dollars and 100,000s lives wasted for NOTHING.  Here's a policy: Throw the bastards that LIED us into this situation in JAIL were they belong

Afghanistan is the foreign policy version of the DRILL BABY DRILL idea.  Can't pursue policies that make sense.  Might make you look like your not MANLY enough.  The fact is that Afghanistan can't be "WON".  Ask the Russians.  They left with their tail tucked between their legs after a USA backed force led by Osama Bin Laden kicked their ass.
(In fact, Osama liked the USA then, because we had supported the efforts to remove the occupying Russian Forces.  Osama didn't get pissed at us until we reneged on a promise of aid to rebuild Afghanistan after the war with the Russians.  We can thank Bush I for that stupidity.  Osama is now irritated and looking for other things to get pissed about.  He needed to look no further than to the military presence that the USA had in Saudi Arabia.  He wanted those bases removed and he warned us that their would be a debt to pay if those bases were not removed.  Well we ignored that and guess what happened next?  --911-- Ironically around 2005 we did remove our troops.  Pathetic.)

WHY HAVEN"T YOU RAISED TAXES ON THE TOP 10%?  We need to do that.  Why haven't you done that. That dick Bush did his tax cuts with Reconciliation, so...

God this is a pathetic country.  We finally garner the votes for change and it is SQUANDERED.