ThankfullyCanadian   3 minutes ago (4:30 PM) 11 Fans Become a fan Unfan "At some point," he said. "it's at the point where everything's dead."

Btw: He means ALL LIFE on the planet. Not just in the Gulf, and certainly not just marine life. This is an extinction scenario.

This is the absolute worst-case scenario that I've been worried about all along. Until now, I've only heard about this possibility from one source; a former Navy engineer who posted on a couple of tech blogs a few days after the leak started. His theory is that the rock bedding (just like Liefer describes) could come loose. With all that natural gas pressure, the most likely result would be a massive explosion and huge expansion of the opening; we're talking a hole in the earth the size of football fields. At that point, there's no possible way to stop the entirety of the Gulf oil reserves saturating the ocean. READ: GLOBAL EXTINCTION.

And now, to see this same gruesome prediction from such an official source? If he's part of a federal research team, you know he's not just spewing random conjecture. This is really not a situation we should have allowed ourselves to be in!!

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