The time for thinking and investigating and pondering is long past. The time for arresting and firing is also past. Time to catch up on that one. ARREST TONY HAYWARD TODAY. Throw his A()$$ in jail without bail. Let him suffer until trial. He will win at trial because he is rich, but in the mean time the fear of God will be placed in the rest of the BP executives. For that matter in ALL OIL executives. The time has come to "retire" Thad Allen. He is a useless appendage doing BP's bidding and assisting them by arresting Gulf coastal residents that look, film, or have something to say about the incident. Welcome to our little police state.


We thought Obama would change that.

We were wrong.
Topic BP / Gulf

Okay, it is probably too late, but stop the FUCKING dispersants.

Every GOD DAMN scientist except those hired by BP or the government says they are devestating to the ocean ecosystem.

So, stop the FUCKING dispersants.

Do you have any questions?  You make a call to that little Fucker Tony and you tell him it stops NOW.  If he doesn't comply there are no excuses.  NONE.  People immediately start going to JAIL.  Immediately.

Any Questions?  This needs to happen NOW.

I can't believe I have to write this.  It is unimaginable.  Are you still "studying" who's "ass to kick"?

If the fine folks of La are against the moratorium, and they vote for moroons like pros()titute toe sucker Vitter and Landreau, then they deserve what they get.  If they want oil, they can have it.  Enjoy the clean-up, but leave us alone.  Interact with BP on your own.  Hell, you are fiercely independent, so have at it.  When you think about it, you should really just hitch your wagon to the Rick Perry train.  All of you Gulf states that hate the Gumment.  Go ahead and SECEDE.  We are sick of you.

Let such luminaries as Vitter, Landreau, Sender Shebby, Sender Seshuns, Haley BoreBore, and Sender Sucksby Shambles solve this problem for you.  Lyndon Johnson said when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed that the "South was Lost for a Generation".  Well, he was wrong.  We are plowing through are third generation now.

He said that because he understood racism.  Tea Bag = Racism.  Rand Paul = Racism.  Jan Brewer = Racism.

Reagan began the removal of your middle class status.  He doubled the debt.  He raised taxes on all but the top 5%.  He was responsible for the death of 350 marines in Beirut.  He thought he freed J ews from a concentration camp.  It was a movie.  He was a doddering idiot that at one point went to a cemetary in Germany and saluted the graves of German SS troops.  Yea, some hero you got there righties.

First Bush raised your taxes and raised the debt.

OOP,s Clinton gave Bush II a surplus while he lowered taxes.  Damn him.

Then we get the cream of the crop.  Doubled the debt, even though his illegal Trillion dollar wars were "off-Book".  How convenient.  He raised taxes on all but the top 5%.  He destroyed regulation hand over fist.  Notice that Wall Street meltdown?  Bush.  Noticed that Gulf Holocaust?  Bush.  
Oh, and 9/11 happened on his WATCH. Even though Clinton WARNED him.  You guys know how to pick them.

Blanche Lincoln Wins Primary Run-Off.

Progressives across the country are disgusted that this woman is rewarded despite her abysmal voting record and the fact the she is a corporate hack.  Remember, this is Progressives across the country.  Labor Unions despised this fake Democrat, who consistently let the party down.  She would be comfortable in a room with Lindsay Graham.  That's how duplicitous and fake she is.

Now we top that off with the White House virtually in glee over Blanche's win and essentially rubbing Labor's face in their loss.  Is there no end to your idiocy?  You insult your base.  You support Arlen Spector in Pa, despite the act that the people clearly wanted Sestak.  It's like a Democratic leader once said about Spector: : "He's always there when we don't need him".

ow we have BP continuing to deny plumes of Oil.  It's a lie, plain and simple.  An array of scientists as well as common damn sense lets you know that massive plumes are in the Gulf.  In fact these plumes would be even bigger if BP hadn't continually poured highly toxic dispersants on them.  Dispersants that are going to make this ecological holocaust even worse (if that is possible). It is also clear that BP is spraying large quatities of dispersants at the source hoping that the can keep a good percent of the oil from reaching the surface.  evry scientist says that the oil below th surface and i plumes is far more deadly than that that reaches the surface.  But we continue to let them do it.  Why is that?  Do you have the same miserable, corrupt, soulless goal as BP? Are you stupid?  Please tell me, tell the American public why you continue to let BP call the shots on this.
BRING SOMEONE ELSE IN.  Hell, the dreaded EXXON has the best safety record in the business, bring them in (You see, I am willing to face reality and adjust for I have not bought a penny of Exxon gas since the Valdez).
Get a Damn CLUE.
Your F'n up the 2010 & the 2012 elections.  You are verging on being co-conspirators with BP on this Gulf HOLOCAUST.
I am smarter than you people.  Go figure.

I read yesterday that the Justice Department has increased their Pot busts to unprecedented levels.  Well, good for you.  It is nice to have your F'n priorities straight.  Bust Pot Culture, but if you steal billions on Wall Street, no jail time.  Start two illegal wars, out a CIA Agent, rape the treasury and commit war crimes, not a problem.  Be a worldwide criminal enterprise that is obliterating our planet, then spent 50 million on advertising, look with pride on your 6.2 billion dollar first qtr earnings, and if your CEO Tony Hayward, sit down and have nice dinner with Thad Allen.  It wouldn't have occurred to Tony or Thad, but they could have said: "I wonder what the poor people are eating tonight"?
How many trash cans do you fill a day.  well this is just another message from a CRUSHED Progressive that voted for this President.  A President that looks more and more like George Bush every day.
Tony Hayward

1) Arrest the Bastard

2) No Bail for the Bastard

3) The Bastard sits in jail until trial (take your time with the trial)

Even if he avoids jail, like almost all rich people do, his arrest will put the fear of GOD in BP.

Maybe they will focus on the task at hand and not spend 50 MILLION dollars on public relations BULL SHIT.

You don't need to vent, but you need to DO something.  NO ONE has gone to jail for anything.  Financial collapse, no arrests.  Ecological disaster, no arrests.  BUSH CHENEY & their criminal underlings with OBVIOUS War Crimes, no arrests.

Smoke a God Damn joint in this country, go to God Damn Jail.

See anything wrong with that picture?

Does the President see any of this shit?  Is this all pointless.  Is there any meaning to this.  
Evil is swallowing this country and we try "bipartisonship" with it.  That went great with Neville Chamberlain and Hitler didn't it?

We are giving our country away to the forces of evil.  Hell, people in La were arrested for trying to take pictures of Oil Soaked Birds.  Why doesn't the WH put out dozens of pics of oil soaked birds?  Why don't they describe massive fish kills?  Why don't they explain the complete destruction of our Gulf ecosystem.
Thad Allen is useless.  He eve eats dinner with Tony Hayward.  A dinner that my family couldn't even afford.

Jail God Damnit.

BP is a failure.  Dispense with them and bring in people that are dedicated to solving the problem.  Not BP employees.  Like James Cameron said, the BP people "are morons".  They have refused ALL outside input.  Because they are COVERING THEIR ASS.
NOBODY in the Government or BP will even speak to Anderson Cooper.  Don't give us any BS about transparency.

Do you ever provide meaningful answers to these emails?
A Plan For Tony Hayward

No Bail
Sit in the cell til trial
Take your time on the trial

Worst case scenario, the jury says you can go.  But Tony would be oh so uncomfortable for months.

BP would be given an injection of the "FEAR OF GOD"

Who the hell is BP to be telling people they are not allowed to talk to anyone?  Who the hell is BP to be telling anyone they can't take pictures?

No one goes to jail for anything.  

Financial/Wall Street jerks.  Free as birds.

BP Planetary Criminals.
Want to go for a stroll get some dinner?


What the hell is wrong with this picture?  Can anyone do anything sensible.  Can Eric Holder get off his ass and prosecute somebody?

Dick Cheney is a free man.  Karl Rove is a free man.  George Bush is a free man.
Stanley McChrystal lies about the events surrounding Pat Tillman's death.

No one is accountable.  No one is accountable.
no one is accountable.

Does anyone in the White House have an EFFIN clue.  I've got to listen to Tea Bagging Rethuglicans pounding us every day, and we continue to try to appease them.  You can not appease sociopaths.  Got it?  You can not appease sociopaths.
Mr. Obama,

Please put BP under temporary receivership before its assets evaporate! We need to protect BP assets so they can be used to pay the victims some compensation. If the shareholders are allowed to abandon ship before this is accomplished, they will get off with minimum pain and there won't be anything left to pay for the damages. Bp share prices are crumbling! Don't let them escape punishment, please. Take BP away from those who would wreck our home.

Thank You,

Or put another way:
1) Freeze BP Assets
2) Nationalize BP
3) Arrest Tony Hayward and place him in jail, without bond, until trial
4) Take your time on getting the trial started
5) Require BP to extradite responsible BP executives
6) If they fail to cooperate, close British Embassy and deport all British C
So, let me see if I have this right.  You smoke a joint in this country you go to jail.

You commit a crime against the planet by destrying an entire ecosystem and obliterating millions of people's livelihoods and your free as a bird.  No problem.  Walk around.  Have lunch.  Take in a movie.

Am I missing something here?


THAT will put the fear of God into BP.  Let me repeat, THAT will put the fear of God into BP.

Any Question?  Okay, get it done.
I was wondering if you were just a Dumb Ass


if you were an actual Jackass?

The other night you justified continued off-shore drilling by comparing our "accident" to a plane crash.  "You don't stop flying after a plane crash do you?"  Now Dave, the difference is that a plane crash is a singular event.  The crash happens and people are injured/die.  They don't keep dying for months and months and months.  Can you understand that difference?

Then you went on to say that this "accident" was an additional incentive to push for more Nuclear energy.  (That is Nuclear, not Nuculer).  Let's see, what if we had a little "accident" with a nuclear power plant?  Would that be like a plane crash too Dave?  Nothing too much to worry our little heads over?  Or would we be facing massive casualties and radiation exposures that would be crippling our population for years?
Huh, Which is it Dave?
Huh, Are you a dumb ass, or just a jackass?