A 2 hour Freshman History Class would have predicted this outcome with 100% certainty.  The problem is that the outcome is EXACTLY what was desired by our Dept of Defense/Military Industrial Complex.  It is about having the money flow to their desired destination.  It is not about defense, revenge, patriotism, blah blah blah.  Our troops are but grist for the greed mill.

I believe our last Republican hero may have mentioned this: General Dwight David Eisenhower.  Alas, there are few heroes remaining and it quite apparent that none are Republicans because that Political Party died with Barry Goldwater.

THIS JUST IN: Pakistan Aids Insurgents in Afghanistan! [SHOCKING]
Isn't that "BIG" of TIMMY?

How generous of the poor & middle-class folks of this country to have carried these lazy suited slobs all these years. These scum have taken this country for a ride for over 30 years, and now they are bitching that their God/Bush Given Tax Cuts are being stolen from them. What Gaul. What Bullshit.

Not only should they EXPIRE TIMMY, they should be hit with a stiff increase to help make up for the bottomless pit of misery they have thrown the middle-class into. Heaven help those that were already poor, for they are destitute and often homeless.

I have met many Vets that are suffering from PTSD and are living hand to mouth on the streets, or, if they are lucky, in a shelter from night to night. This in a country where a fat-assed chickenhawk blowhard like Rush Limbaugh can spend a MILLION God Damned dollars on the band for his 4th wedding. (Family-Values my Ass)

This in a country where WAR CRIMINALS named Cheney/BUSH have walked away unscathed from the explicit treachery that they brought to our nation. Swell, Holder is cracking down on POT 'God Damned' SMOKERS, but these actual criminal bastards take a walk. Lindsay Fricking Lohan gets more jail time than Cheney/Bush. And you TIMMY, from your perch, deem that their precious TAX CUTS should be ALLOWED to EXPIRE. FUCK You TIMMY. FUCK You Larry. FUCK You Rahm. FUCK You David.

In April, if I had walked up to the Gulf of Mexico with a quart of oil in my hand and poured it in while a police officer watched me, my sorry ass would have been in jail before you could count to ten. As it should have been. Meanwhile, Tony Hayward's motley bunch destroys an entire OCEAN (& throws poisonous dispersants on top of it in an attempt to hide the extent of their incalculable crime) and he gets to go off and sail his fucking yacht. Do you sense a logical disconnect here boys & girls?

You people in the White House have abandoned the very people who slapped your asses where you find them today. You pander to the RIGHT for God's sake, treating those that brought you to the dance as merely a "safety" in case things don't work out at the bar's last call.

Barak, you stood there while British PM Sloane slimily put forth that it was "up to BP to divulge any information they might have concerning their involvement in the freeing of the Lockerbie Bomber". Are you kidding me? That is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer is responsible for owning up to killing & eating his victims. No investigation needed here Mr. Dahmer. We're going to leave it all up to you. Get back to us with your findings. Well, in any event, I'm sure Mr. Sloane's remarks brought comfort to the families of the 270 dead. We'll wait for BP to give us the head's up on that "internal probe".

That brings me back to Tony Hayward & how we have bowed and scraped to BP's every whim since this PREDICTABLE SHIT happened. Thad Allen is a national embarrassment. Ken Salazar is bought and paid for by corporate interests. Janet Napalitano is apparently in the witness protection program.

But you know, I think back upon the example of me being jailed for pouring 1 QUART of oil in the Gulf and can't help but wonder why Tony Hayward did not suffer a similar fate? I've heard that there were real questions about whether or not any charges were applicable or if indeed they would "stick" as they say. Well, in my example, that wasn't pondered so much. Off to jail for me and we'll let the legal system take its course. I think it should have been the same for our good friend Tony, because you know, in my opinion, what Tony Hayward and BP have done to this Country makes 9/11 look like a blip in time. This atrocity is in all likelihood PERMANENT. Cheney/Bush conflated it into a "War on Terror", but you & I know there is know such thing. You can't have a war on a tactic. You don't invade a country because 1 guy that used a particular tactic MIGHT be there. That is, as they say, a load of poo.

So, a judge should have been acquired by Mr. Holder, and Mr. Hayward should have been placed in jail. The conditions would be:
1) No Bail (Possible Negotiation of $100,000,000 in Bail up front CASH/Liquid Holdings to be controlled by the U.S.A. for War Reparations on our Country.)
2) Absent that General Population (No Special Treatment - Facility in La - Any questions to be handled by means of an "Internal Probe" as per PM Sloane's suggestion in the Lockerbie incident.)
3) These cases can take months if not years to come to trial, so Mr. Hayward will be allowed visitation privileges like all his fellow inmates.
4) Absent the $100,000,000 bail BP will be required to establish $20,000,000 in a manner similar to its current design, but it will be managed completely outside the auspices of BP. BP will be doing the requesting, not the allocating. IS THAT CLEAR?

The bottom line, is that this country needs to be made whole again, and it is to be done by the top 5% this time, not the bottom 95%. You may consider it an undue burden, but your refusal to get off your gravy train and help this country will not be met kindly this time. I implore you to come to your senses. If you make a million dollars a year, try to think of ways you can cut corners and live on $950,000.

For our Defense Department. Well, you suck us dry for 43% of our budget every God Damned year, and you have the audacity to call it "non-discretionary". Bull Shit! It is DISCRETIONARY as hell. If we spend more than all the other countries on Earth combined, I say we can find a thing or two to cut. Here we go. I'll give you an easy one. Bring the troops back from Germany & Japan. Stop paying the "Private Contractors" Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe to leech the wealth of our nation. They charge us over $100 dollars a gallon for gas in Iraq. We should make a better deal.

Here's another really easy one. Are you retired military or member of Congress? Well good for you. Collect that retirement pay and head on home, because you will NOT be allowed to lobby anywhere on the Pentagon or the Hill or with any of their sub-contractors. That revolving door will be SEALED shut. You claim you are just here to serve your term. Good. Your term is over, now go away.

There is not one serious economist in this country that understands the evil machinations of an intertwined Oligarchical Medical/Insurance Beast that does not KNOW FOR A FACT that a single payer system wold cut health care costs drastically. Yep, there may be surgeons that used to make5 million dollars a year gaming the old system, but now they are forced to scrape by on 4 million dollars a year. TOUGH. Suck it Up. The rest of the country has been "sucking it up" for over thirty years. Heaven forbid, we may even need to do away with "for profit" hospitals. Good, Jesus (or whomever you find "religiously enlightening") frowns on people making profits over other people's suffering. And trust me, I know from personal experience that being in a "for-profit" hospital does not equate with better care. In fact, quite the opposite may be true. Fee for service is a real enemy here.

I'll tackle one more piece of cake cut. It is that REGRESSIVE bitch of a tax, the Social Security Tax. Want to solve that problem? Remove the cap. PERIOD. Make RICH people pay their share. Problem solved.

Jesus, I could sit in a room with a small group of smart 6th graders and we could get more done in 1 day than you idiots screw up in a year. Timmy, you quit squabbling with Elizabeth. She has a moral compass. It would do you and the rest of your pathetic "team" and this country a SERVICE if you would utilize her's for a spell. The one that has been in play for the last thirty years has FUCKED this country over royally.

WE THE REAL PEOPLE DEMAND AN END TO THAT SHIT. WE, the 95% that are economically downtrodden seek REAL relief. REAL prosperity. REAL equality. REAL opportunity. REAL HOPE!  NOW!
For what it is worth of have called and contacted everyone of those jack()a$$e$ (our elected representatives) you mentioned.  I also regularly trouble my own and the President.  I haven't noticed any alterations in policy.  My latest request is a relatively tame one.  I am asking that we bring the TROOPS HOME FROM GERMANY!

Thought I'd give that softball a toss.  But you know, the reason we have troops in Germany & 134 other places outside of the U.S.A. is because Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe makes a killing (literally) at running those operations.  You think they and their revolving door buddies at the Pentagon/CIA/??? are gonna give up that cash Merry-Go-Round?  Think again.
McChrystal is sc()um for a wide variety of reasons (see Tillman).  As for him yakking, he did that on purpose to extricate himself from his own idiotic "counter-Insurgency" Strategy".  Two hours in a classroom with a good history professor would have scuttled that genius plan.
But alas, that is not the real plan.  The real plan is to properly divert funds.  That "proper diversion" is to Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe.  The question really isn't why aren't we out of Iraq/Afghanistan, the more salient question is why the hell aren't we out of Germany/Japan?  Same answer.  "Proper Diversion" of funds.
43% of your tax dollars, NOT AT WORK.  That's got more to do with your problem than brown people picking up your garbage.  But you keep voting for id()iots like McCain... and you get what you got.  So, quit your bitc()hin until you want to elect people like me who will start putting some ACTUAL criminals in jail (brown/black/yellow/white/or otherwise).
These jacka()$$e$ get to act like this is a Tax Increase when it is the end (or better be) of an 8/9 year rip-off of the American people. If Kent Conrad, the WH, Repubs & others "compromise" on this I predict insurrection. DESERVED!!!! They robbed this country and not only should they expire, somebody up their should have the gonads to raise the taxes on the leeches that are killing this country. Those leeches wear suits, they don't pick fruit and pick up garbage & take care of rich people's houses. Yea, CLASS WARFARE. I'm ready are you Republican Senators? Cheat us again and see how it goes!
John Roberts:
Mr. Chairman, I come before the committee with no agenda.

I have no platform.

Judges are not politicians who can promise to do certain things in exchange for votes.

I have no agenda, but I do have a commitment. If I am confirmed, I will confront every case with an open mind. I will fully and fairly analyze the legal arguments that are presented. I will be open to the considered views of my colleagues on the bench. And I will decide every case based on the record, according to the rule of law, without fear or favor, to the best of my ability. And I will remember that it's my job to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat.

John, you can't see a connection between a fucked private economy, Ike's MIC/DOD partnership and the exploitation of America's youth for the Monetary benefit of those jackasses? Read a new book called "WAR" by Sebastion Junger (Movie is Restrepo), you will see that this is just a CASH COW for Cheney & Co. My Uncle was on Normandy. Normandy this isn't. These kids are grist and the jackasses that are exploiting them KNOW that anti-war protest will be met by screams of being unpatriotic.
Rat bastard Cheney got 5 deferments. Cindy Sheehan's kid is dead for nothing. These guys are war criminals and the troops are victims. The fact that Obama won't charge them for their obvious crimes speaks to the dangerous powers that pull the real strings in this country.

Hell, don't ask yourself why the troops aren't back from Iraq/Afghanistan, ask yourself why the troops aren't back from Germany/Japan. The answer is the same, and it has to do with the flow of money. And in this day and age when you speak about the flow of money, you are speaking of Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe.

Those assholes charge US $100 a gallon for gas over there, while they build sub-standard showering facilities that have killed our troops and fed them food with live maggots in in it. Privatization my ass. It's called price gouging, failure to live up to contractual obligations and manslaughter (and that ignores abu gharib). These jerks "representing" our country are thugs, and they give us all the mark of evil. If you were an Iraqi or an Afghan, what would you think?

Delete Dear Flying Dog,
That's easy. I would have begun a "Manhattan Style" project that would have insured that NONE of our Nuclear Plants were vulnerable to a similar attack. NONE! This would have been given an urgency unparalleled since said Manhattan Project. Any other reaction to the 9/11 attacks was ludicrous at best, and reveal the true motivations of those that undertook them (either that, or you believe them to just be plain stupid).

Second in importance would be "hardening" our ports. To this date, we have implemented no additional security at our ports. Want to bring a dirty bomb into this country? I suggest a port entry. In fact, the Greed Driven Cheney/Bush cabal even tried to turn over our Port operations to Dubai of all places until cooler Democratic heads prevailed. The same Dubai that is in economic turmoil today.

Third, I would reassess airport security. Minimum wage employees confiscating travel sized shampoos from Grandmothers, does not instill confidence.

The things we could have done to SECURE OUR COUNTRY here with the 3+ Trillion Dollars we have pissed away to Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe are immeasurable, and far fewer of our youth would have been blown to smithereens doing it. These would have been heroic tasks that REALLY made our country SAFER. Alas, however, perhaps Dick Cheney's pals would have made several billion less, but I tend to doubt it. They are a resourceful bunch, and a little REAL PATRIOTISM is not going to get between them and the stash of cash.

Anyway, How close do you want to live to the compromised Nuclear Plant?

Those are some of the things I would have done.

1) Keep the Bounty on Bin-Laden, but stay out of Afghanistan yourself. By being there you make him more of a nhero. By not being there he looks more like "CASH"!
2) I would have made it a hanging offense for manufacturing evidence to send us into IRAQ. How transparent was that grab for cash. But I guess Junior got to show daddy that his was "bigger". So therefore it follows, I wouldn't have gone into Iraq.
Was the Tillman Family invited? This a()$$ should have been busted.

BTW, our military is always pandered to as the "best & brightest". The facts are that a good percent have dropped out of high school, are facing flunking out, and/or are in trouble with the law. Getting murdered because Cheney/Bush are lying greedy bas()tards does not make one a... See More hero. It makes one a victim. Stanley was as scu()mmy as they come.

Barak is complicit as long as he maintains these policies that are based purely on self aggrandizement & greed, General Betrayus is just another in a long line ready to suck the marrow from the skeletal structure of this country. Suck harder Betrayus, there is less to be found as your DOD budget (43%) is milking us to our knees. 43%, larger than all other nations combined. The DOD to MIC contracting revolving door is going to spin off its access you anti-patriots. Then what??
There is no end to the disappointments this administration has brought to me. I'm 53. I should have known better. It is all part of a large socio-economic-MIC-DOD lie. We were naive to think that the celebration for Barak would bring change.

Check for me. Are there still troops in Germany? Then don't expect them back from Iraq/Afghanistan anytime soon.

Tony Hayward in jail? No, but thousands upon thousands of pot smokers are jailed every year.

The beat goes on. Now KENT CONRAD thinks Bush's Tax Cuts are just Peachy. The two worst economic calamities in the last 50 years are called Reagan Tax Cuts & Bush Tax Cuts.
If you "compromise" on this Barak, I predict insurrection. We have been fucked one too many times by the "born to power" jerk offs that run this country (By now you have discovered that you don't run it. Hell, you barely have influence). We not only want them to EXPIRE we want a reparations Tax to partially make-up for the misery these pitiful slime have brought upon this country. WE DEMAND IT!
Kent Conrad. Go Fuck Yourself. Enough is Enough.

Barak, if the words compromise even approach your lips, you will be casting this country onto the permanent dung-heap. The Neo-Cons have everything that they dreamed of, but now that they have it, they are dreaming bigger. A permanently disabled private economy is a constant grist for their WAR MILL. It is their cycle. They are parasites. Eisenhower knew it. He told you. You may be the last that can act, or it may be too late. Either way, the choice is clear, you try to stop this madness. YOU TRY, and that does not start with more TAX FUCKING CUTS for the RICH.
You have allowed FOX NEWS to run the agenda so effectively, that the majority of Americans think they are WORSE OFF then they were 2 years ago. That is quite a feat.
Send my regards to idiots like Geithner, Summers, Axelrod, & Emmanuel. Quite a trick.