Delete Dear Flying Dog,
That's easy. I would have begun a "Manhattan Style" project that would have insured that NONE of our Nuclear Plants were vulnerable to a similar attack. NONE! This would have been given an urgency unparalleled since said Manhattan Project. Any other reaction to the 9/11 attacks was ludicrous at best, and reveal the true motivations of those that undertook them (either that, or you believe them to just be plain stupid).

Second in importance would be "hardening" our ports. To this date, we have implemented no additional security at our ports. Want to bring a dirty bomb into this country? I suggest a port entry. In fact, the Greed Driven Cheney/Bush cabal even tried to turn over our Port operations to Dubai of all places until cooler Democratic heads prevailed. The same Dubai that is in economic turmoil today.

Third, I would reassess airport security. Minimum wage employees confiscating travel sized shampoos from Grandmothers, does not instill confidence.

The things we could have done to SECURE OUR COUNTRY here with the 3+ Trillion Dollars we have pissed away to Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe are immeasurable, and far fewer of our youth would have been blown to smithereens doing it. These would have been heroic tasks that REALLY made our country SAFER. Alas, however, perhaps Dick Cheney's pals would have made several billion less, but I tend to doubt it. They are a resourceful bunch, and a little REAL PATRIOTISM is not going to get between them and the stash of cash.

Anyway, How close do you want to live to the compromised Nuclear Plant?

Those are some of the things I would have done.

1) Keep the Bounty on Bin-Laden, but stay out of Afghanistan yourself. By being there you make him more of a nhero. By not being there he looks more like "CASH"!
2) I would have made it a hanging offense for manufacturing evidence to send us into IRAQ. How transparent was that grab for cash. But I guess Junior got to show daddy that his was "bigger". So therefore it follows, I wouldn't have gone into Iraq.
Was the Tillman Family invited? This a()$$ should have been busted.

BTW, our military is always pandered to as the "best & brightest". The facts are that a good percent have dropped out of high school, are facing flunking out, and/or are in trouble with the law. Getting murdered because Cheney/Bush are lying greedy bas()tards does not make one a... See More hero. It makes one a victim. Stanley was as scu()mmy as they come.

Barak is complicit as long as he maintains these policies that are based purely on self aggrandizement & greed, General Betrayus is just another in a long line ready to suck the marrow from the skeletal structure of this country. Suck harder Betrayus, there is less to be found as your DOD budget (43%) is milking us to our knees. 43%, larger than all other nations combined. The DOD to MIC contracting revolving door is going to spin off its access you anti-patriots. Then what??
There is no end to the disappointments this administration has brought to me. I'm 53. I should have known better. It is all part of a large socio-economic-MIC-DOD lie. We were naive to think that the celebration for Barak would bring change.

Check for me. Are there still troops in Germany? Then don't expect them back from Iraq/Afghanistan anytime soon.

Tony Hayward in jail? No, but thousands upon thousands of pot smokers are jailed every year.

The beat goes on. Now KENT CONRAD thinks Bush's Tax Cuts are just Peachy. The two worst economic calamities in the last 50 years are called Reagan Tax Cuts & Bush Tax Cuts.
If you "compromise" on this Barak, I predict insurrection. We have been fucked one too many times by the "born to power" jerk offs that run this country (By now you have discovered that you don't run it. Hell, you barely have influence). We not only want them to EXPIRE we want a reparations Tax to partially make-up for the misery these pitiful slime have brought upon this country. WE DEMAND IT!
Kent Conrad. Go Fuck Yourself. Enough is Enough.

Barak, if the words compromise even approach your lips, you will be casting this country onto the permanent dung-heap. The Neo-Cons have everything that they dreamed of, but now that they have it, they are dreaming bigger. A permanently disabled private economy is a constant grist for their WAR MILL. It is their cycle. They are parasites. Eisenhower knew it. He told you. You may be the last that can act, or it may be too late. Either way, the choice is clear, you try to stop this madness. YOU TRY, and that does not start with more TAX FUCKING CUTS for the RICH.
You have allowed FOX NEWS to run the agenda so effectively, that the majority of Americans think they are WORSE OFF then they were 2 years ago. That is quite a feat.
Send my regards to idiots like Geithner, Summers, Axelrod, & Emmanuel. Quite a trick.
PLENTY OF MONEY for Haliburton/Blackwater/Xe & the Military Industrial Complex.  None for us suffering people.
We have exposed Nuclear Plants.  Exposed to any Terrorist that wants to fly a plane into one.  If we really wanted to defend ourselves, we might have started with that vulnerability.  Spending Trillions of dollars half way around the world is pointless if you have gaping holes at home.

Oh those funding priorities.  I thought I voted for something that would change that.  Now I think nothing can change that.  Hate is winning.  Perhaps Hate has won.

President Eisenhower warned us about Evil People like Dick Cheney.  He saw the ways of that evil, and he tried to save us before he was gone.  It was to late.  It's a Business Plan now.  A very successful Business Plan.  Wrap the grist for this War Mill in a Stars & Stripes Banner and destroy the private economy and we have a permanent mechanism to continue the concentration of power into the top 1% of the population.
etting: A Man's Watching CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Television (2008 Presidential Campaign)


1) Swooping Graphic - Wolf intones "Welcome to the Situation Room"

2) Our Guests today Democratic Presidential Candidate, Senator Barak Obama & Republican Presidential Candidate Senator John McCain. Welcome Gentlemen.

3) Good to be with you Wolf.

4) Let's start with you Senator Obama. What do you have to say?

5) Well Wolf, "I'm a BLACK MAN"!

6) Wolf raises and eyebrow, pivots to the camera and switches eyebrows, then pivots to Senator McCain.

7) Well Senator McCain, you've heard what the Senator has to say, what do you have to say?

8) Well Wolf, "I'm a BLACK MAN"!

9) Wolf raises and eyebrow, pivots to the camera, switches eyebrows and says "Fascinating conversation gentlemen. That's all we have time for right now, but I am sure we will be returning to this topic in the weeks to come.

[Here Man Throws Show At TV]

10) Wolf INTONES: "This JUST IN. We have BREAKING NEWS."

11) Cue Giant Swooshing/Flashing Graphic "BREAKING NEWS"

12) Wolf Intones: We have breaking news that Ashton Kutcher has a new TWEET out stating that that Demi has, and I quote, "ONE FINE ASS". We'll be bringing you more of this story as it develops.


1) Will Rogers Funny/ Humorist (Not a Comedian)
2) Mark Twain Funny/Humorist (Not a Comedian)
3) Kathy Griffin Funny (sometimes) Comedian

Stephanie Miller Funny/Humorist (Not a Comedian

[CNN, Not News since the 1st Gulf War]
I don't know what to do about anything.  We are being pummeled into the dirt by the powerful & willfully ignorant such as Ben Nelson.  You can almost plug in any Senators name here, for the general breadth of Senatorial stupidity is breathtaking. (Al Franken, save us).  Tea Re Thug Licans feed on the wounded.  Anti-American Multi-Nationals are sucking out what is left of the blood in this country's corpse.  Can we recover?  Are we kidding ourselves?  Are we already a 3rd world country in disguise.  I weep for my children.

I was wondering.  Are the Germans ready to "stand-up"?  If they are, our troops can "stand-down" and come home.  That would save millions.  Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe wouldn't be able to charge the USA $100 a gallon for gas over in Germany  That would be cool huh?

Next we could do Japan. We ave troops in 135 different places around the globe.  Fine, we'll do Iraq & Afghanistan last.  Let's do the others NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all agree on cutting the deficit right?  Even if Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe's bottom line is wounded we should do this right?  We should care more about America RIGHT?
With all due respect JJ - Don't obfuscate the FACT that Lebron & his pals are not swimming in an actual "Free Market System".  That may not bother you, but it bothers me.  There would not be 100 million dollar contracts for players and publicly built arenas that the PUBLIC has no ability to attend without massive Corporate tax welfare.  

These are massively large corporate welfare programs that benefit both greedy owner & players alike.  I don't need Ed Schultz talking about "Free Markets" & JJ talking about slavery & racism, when the whole system is scamming this country.

It sure isn't Lebron's fault, but he is participating in an apartheid like system just as well as the head of Goldman/Sachs is (while claiming he is doing the Lord's work).  The evil is lying below this controversy, & JJ, ES, Lebron, the Media & mo()ron sports fans aren't helping.  But if you need a family value comparison tool, then ask yourself why a Teacher makes in a year what Lebron makes in 5 minutes?

You could ask Lebron our Cleveland's je()rk owner to lend you a quarter.  They couldn't/wouldn't.  They don't carry cash.  Cash is for chumps.
I am way past "college professors" being important.  Indeed, I am way past "Athletic Directors" being important.

Governor Lamar Alexander, is he one of the good ones, claims he has a "vision for 100 new Nuclear Plants n the next x years.  Great.  How's that Nuclear Plant Defense project coming along?  You know, the one that will prevent airplanes from flying into our Nuclear Plants?  Oh, yea, Trillions on two "fake patriotic wars".  Well, they served their purpose:  Keep that cash gusher flowing to Halliburton/Blackwaer/Xe.  (I wonder what they will call themselves next time.  I hear they have lovely offices in God Damned Dubai)

Nuclear Plant Security? Not so good, huh.  I'm thinking that it is not the tethers of Democracy that are holding project back.  That's just what we need, a "privatized" Nuclear Industry.  How close do you want to live to one when it is slammed with a plane full of Saudi Hijackers?  (What, No money?)  Port Security must be better?  (What, No money?)  Hell, W tried to give that to Dubai as well).  Air Terminal Security?  (What, No money?  Well, let it be said that no little old lady got past a minimum wage employee with contraband shampoo when W was "running this show)

Your good buddy Dick A. & his good bud Bill Frist had an amendment passed that said that the clothing industry could put "MADE IN AMERICA" on items pieced together by slave labor in the Marianas.  Fuck "Capitalism" and this Laissez-faire Bullshit.  THAT is "college professor" crap.

I may have mentioned, but Capitalism is a continuum, not an on/off switch.  We need the dimmer switch.  With the dimmer than, away we go, Free Enterprise.  With the on/off we re moralistically screwed.  Right now, we are in the choking hands of an Oligarchy that is hellbent on becoming a Multi-National/Government Monopoly. Doesn't sound to me like you want that.

Well, it to is NOT an on/off switch.  You need to decide what are the best stones to leap to along this dangerous maze (to Libertarianism/Equality/Free Enterprise?  You tell me - If you think Rand 'I've got more computing power and empathy in my left nut' Paul is the right direction, then you missed a class or two).  The Rethuglicans have shown time-and-time again that they do not give a rat's ass about anything but the top 2% of the Socio-Economic strata of our country.
FDR was filthy rich, but he got us through the War, and he saved this country for 40 years from a path to serfdom for the landed gentry.

FDR: We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace‹business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money [Paul-Read Campaign Finance Reform] is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me, and I welcome their hatred.

I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master. . ."
As I have said, it is POWER that trumps LOGIC & TRUTH.  That is a fact that no "out-of-context" Adam Smith "Free Hand" can alter.

P.S.  Let me clear that PS up:  Marginal Tax rates under Barak are almost HALF what they were under that Communist Eisenhower. 
"Let's work together to clean up the GULF.
What a crock of crap.




Let's keep people away from the true disaster.

Freedom of the PRESS? Not anymore.

First Amendment? That has been Outlawed.


If you spent 1/2 of 1% of your time actually trying to solve this problem rather than collude with your pals at BP, this would be OVER.


I voted for this shit?  This is HOPE?  This is CHANGE?  This is CALAMITY and your policies are killing our Planet, while having the added bonus of throwing gasoline on the fires of hatred, ignorance & RACISM.  THANKS A LOT.
Al Queda attacked our shores with oil.  We sat on our ass.  Think about it.


Trillions spent spinning after our tails in IRAQ & Afghanistan to please the following "NEOCON Folks"

1) George Bush
2) Dick Cheney
3) Pick an ego driven set of moron Neo-Cons
   a) Rumsfeld
   b) Wolfowitz
   c) Feith
   d) Yoo
   e) Kristol (NONE MORE STUPID)
   f) Bolton
   g) Scheunemann
   h) Frum
   i) and on & on & on

The Group is united by a few overriding principles that include:
1) Narcicissim
2) Delusion
3) Lack of Empathy
4) 1 World View ("Ours")


The fake "wars" will end.  They have served their purpose:
1) Permanent state of fear in the population (just like the Cold War).  People are much more malleable that way.
2) The "Mighty Mississippi" beds of rivers will have been constructed.  Through these permanent beds the money will gush endlessly, like OIL in the Gulf (different chapter of the same story).
3) Poised at the delta of these mighty CASH RIVERS will be the Supertankers.  The Supertankers of Halliburton/Blackwater/Xe or whatever moniker these criminal enterprises have adopted this week.
4) Fake Patriotism & Ignorance will continue to whittle & hone the greed machine until it is perfect.  The wealth of a nation crammed into the upper 2% of the population, the left there merely as fodder to grease the machinery.

I've got an idea let's call it Democracy & couch it in the "holy veil" of Christianity.

Then, hopefully, God can send the 2% on an express ticket to hell.